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Breaking Out in Hives From Eating Beef

  • Hot and cold temperatures can trigger hives.
  • Bed bugs, bees, and other biting and stinging insects can cause welts to appear on your skin.
  • Most reactions will disappear within 24 hours, but chronic hives do happen.
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.

If you've ever broken out in hives, then you know all too well how uncomfortable these splotchy welts can be. Hives (aka, urticaria) are welts that show up on any part of your skin. They can be small and barely noticeable or large enough to cover your neck or arm.

Often itchy and annoying, hives typically go away in about 24 hours. But occasionally, they can stick around for longer. If you still have these raised, swollen bumps after six weeks, Dr. Patrick Blake, MD, board-certified dermatologist at EllaMD and clinical instructor at UC San Diego, told INSIDER that they're considered chronic.

While it may be easy to recognize hives when they flare up all of your body, what's not so clear is knowing what triggers them in the first place. Here are seven reasons you might find yourself covered in hives.

Insect bites can cause hives if you have a reaction

A typical reaction to a bug bite can produce redness, swelling or minor irritation and itching. But if you're having a severe reaction to insect bites, your body may respond by breaking out in hives. Pay attention to stinging insects such as bees, hornets, wasps, fire ants, and yellow-jackets. Also biting insects such as bedbugs, mosquitoes, and fleas can cause hives.

If you've been bitten and hives are accompanied by any other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Prescription medications and OTC drugs can also trigger hives

Keep a close eye on the medications you're taking , especially if you notice hives after a dose. Certain antibiotics such as penicillin and sulfa as well as aspirin and ibuprofen can trigger an allergic reaction resulting in hives.

"People can develop hives even from medications they've taken for years," explained Blake.

If you're concerned a medication you're taking is causing hives, call your healthcare professional ASAP.

If you're allergic to certain foods and drinks, that can also be a culprit

Hives are not to be ignored.

Unfortunately, if you're breaking out in hives after eating, you might want to examine your diet. Certain foods such as fruit, milk, eggs peanuts, tree nuts or shellfish can all trigger hives if you're allergic to them.

Typically, allergic reactions to foods are also accompanied by other symptoms, many of which can be severe, including itching and swelling of the throat and shortness of breath. Don't hesitate to speak to your healthcare professional, or even take emergency action if you experience severe symptoms.

When you develop hives, Dass said your allergist will tailor a plan based on the underlying cause, and if there is an underlying cause or external trigger, avoidance measures will be reviewed. Plus, if you have a severe episode of hives, your physician may prescribe a short course of steroids to help.

Temperature changes may also cause hives

If breaking out in hives from medications or food isn't bad enough, you can also fall victim to these itchy patches from being exposed to certain environmental factors. Dr. Kathleen Dass , MD, Michigan Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center, told INSIDER that exposure to cold contact, like cold liquids or weather or exposure to a warm contact on the skin, can trigger hives. You may also develop hives with any increase in your body temperature whether it's from stress, anger, spicy food, or exercise.

Simply scratching your skin can cause hives

For a small percentage of the population, dermatographism , or skin writing can cause hive-like welts when you scratch, rub or apply pressure to your skin. Typically, there is an inappropriate release of histamine, which causes the hives to appear. If you're experiencing this type of reaction, it's best that you talk to your doctor about management and treatment.

An aquagenic reaction is an uncommon cause of hives

The next time you take a dip in a pool or hot tub, you might want to pay attention to your skin after you get out. Dass said an aquagenic reaction or exposure to water can trigger hives. While very rare, it does happen, so it's worth considering with some guidance from a doctor.

L ifestyle triggers are a more common cause

Changes in your life can cause hives.

Stress is a part of life. That said, if you find yourself breaking out in hives after a stressful or emotional meeting at work, interaction with a family member, rush-hour traffic or any situation that may cause your emotions to go into overdrive, Blake said you need to deal with your stress in a healthy way. "Music, meditation, and obviously, avoiding any more exposure to the trigger is important," he said.

If your stress if severe enough to cause hives, though, it may also be worth speaking with someone you trust, like a mental-health professional about managing your stress in a healthy way.

If you experience hives often or they're severe, you need to deal with them ASAP

One way to address the underlying cause of hives is to review the last few days. "If hives happen, I recommend going back through the past 48 hours and writing down everything you did and ate," said Blake. Even if you don't find a cause, Blake said that the next time it happens, there's a better chance that a doctor can find a cause.

NYC Dermatologist, Dr. Hadley King , MD, also told INSIDER that taking an oral antihistamine regularly on a daily basis for a period of time can treat current hives as well as prevent new ones.

So, how do you know when your hives are beyond OTC treatment? "Anyone with chronic hives absolutely needs to be evaluated by a physician, because causes of hives can be serious," explained Blake. The most concerning, said Blake, are certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, lupus being the most common, and infections, especially parasites or hepatitis, and vasculitis, where the blood vessels of the body are being attacked, so it's worth seeing a doctor to try and determine a cause as soon as you can.


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